
比爾蓋茲也關心特殊教育,他提到在教育方面希望能夠提供特殊需求學生更好的支持,包含跟charter school合作發展新的方法與策略。他相信透過charter school的運作是提升特殊需求孩子教育品質的的一種解方,以下是蓋茲受訪時的原文和新聞連結。

Help students with special needs

Gates writes that he believes that supporting charter schools will improve the American education system, because they are better equipped to support students with special needs.


"We will focus more of our work with charters on developing new tools and strategies for students with special needs," he says.

Gates says that more needs to be done so that students with special needs have access to a quality education. He believes that charter schools can be part of the solution.

"Our emphasis will be on efforts that improve outcomes for special needs students – especially kids with mild-to-moderate learning and behavioral disabilities," says Gates. "This is a critical problem across the education sector, and we believe that charters have the flexibility to help the field solve this problem."



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